

Rosacea is a chronic relapsing disease of the facial skin, characterized by recurrent episodes of facial flushing, persistent erythema, telangiectasia, papules and pustules, and eye symptoms (ocular rosacea, usually bilateral, and often described as a foreign-body sensation).

Typically, it first presents between the ages of 30–50 years in people who are fair-skinned. Although it is more common in women, it tends to be more severe in men.

Possible triggers include extremes of weather (in particular heat, and cold winds), sunlight, strenuous exercise, stressful situations, spicy food, alcohol, and hot drinks. These should be avoided where possible.

In our clinic we assess the type, severity and extent of rosacea and prescribe the topical medication. We would also provide appropriate advice about managing symptoms and slowing disease progression.
We follow-up all of our patients to assess the effectiveness of treatment and the need for referral to skin specialist.